Att. 4000
Referees : Kutsev, Zhurba, Kravchenko (Donetsk)
Squad :
Dolgansky, Kamnev (Tkachenko, 77), Makhmutov (Pogorelov, 46), Skoropad, Petz, Kolesnichenko (Schekotilin, 55), Shutov, Huseinov, Zotov (capt), Mglynets', Musolitin Scored :
0:1 (Turyansky, 63) foot
1:1 (Tkachenko, 83) foot, after pass from Schekotilin
Booked : Tkachenko, 84 (nesportyvna povedinka??? Probably this guy scored and took off his clothing:)); Zakotyuk, 87 (a foot kick); Kyrlyk (90, not keeping 9 m distance).

NB: Tkachenko is only 18 years old and this is his first score in the upper league. Don't blame him for nesportyvna povedinka!

Received from: Maksim Kopanitsa